Poem: Made A Way

Far too long have we stayed in darkness
We laid unburdened,
Unaware of our condition, hardened hearts
We poured out symptoms of a state we refused to acknowledge
A state we considered , right
When in fact, we had fallen
So far gone with no way to meet Your glory
We were dead, and unaware
Sick and sought treatment
In the wrong places
So far gone, with no way to meet Your glory

But You, Lord,
Made a way
To cleanse the unclean
To restore the broken
To awaken the dead
To raise up those who had fallen so far
To make them Yours
Set apart, holy
As You are
A people of Your own
Your very own nation
Oh God of restoration!

You, Lord, made a way
So these orphans
Could be sons and daughters
Now we call You Father

You, Lord, made a way
Now we gaze upon Your glory
We pour out ourselves in worship

We stand redeemed, no longer bound
Our chains are broken; Your grace abounds
Your love has conquered, Your mercy won
Through Christ, the risen, the Holy One

Now we live to tell Your story
Proclaim Your goodness, sing Your praise
Forever resting in Your glory
Now we live to proclaim Your Glory!


Ngaphandle Kwami, Ningenza Lutho


The Life of a Christian