Christian All The Way!

As you pack up your bags and say goodbye to the life you’ve enjoyed at your university residence, you may be filled with mixed emotions. The memories, friendships, and experiences you've had have most probably shaped the person you are now. You are more disciplined, in terms of doing your tasks as they are assigned to you- due dates must have taught you that. You are a growing Christian, as you have been spending time in the Word of God, doing life with other brothers and sisters in Christ. Or you recently gave your life to Christ after being evangelized. Whichever category you fall into, now, it's time to take these life changes and apply them to the next chapter – back home.

When I was still a student, residence life taught me independence which was helpful until it came to matters of faith in Jesus and growth thereof. It is not just personal, but a large part of it is communal. This came as a shock to the “I know what I’m doing” me because I had believed for the longest time that my personal relationship with God is all there is, and so this ideal turned me into a self-reliant, self-righteous religious loner. To my surprise, a Christian cannot grow in solitude but within a community of believers where accountability and gospel witness is seen. This is true because the closer we get to the Shepherd, the closer we are to each other. When the sheep are scattered all over the meadow browsing and the shepherd issues his peculiar call and they all come trotting to him, the closer they come to him, the closer they get to each other. Sharing struggles, love, and joys with fellow believers strengthened my walk. Contrary to the idea that residential life teaches us just independence and resilience, God in His wisdom used fellow res-mates to also teach me that we need each other to lean on as we grow in our knowledge of Him.

As you return home, don't let familiarity breed complacency. Reflect on your identity as a follower of Jesus and let that continue to shape you daily. Like art hanging on a wall tells how talented and careful the artist is, our lives should always tell of how amazing God is. We are His handiwork (Ephesians 2:10), whether we are at res or not. Wherever we are, we are to be the light. People around us should not only hear us talking the talk, but we should walk the talk by being the doers of God’s word. Sharing the gospel with family and siblings can be challenging yet the most rewarding. Do you know by doing that you would be preserving their lives for eternal glory? Do you know how loving that is? Of course, you can’t possibly save people. That is why you must pray to the One who does the saving as you have planted the seed. Pray for them, asking God to open hearts. Model Christ-like behavior, demonstrating love and compassion. Engage in natural conversations (Colossians 4:5-6), sharing your testimony. Be patient and persistent remembering that it is God who does the work in their hearts, just as He did in yours (1 Corinthians 3:6-7). Remember, gospel witness begins with relationships and trust. Demonstrate God's love through service, kindness, and compassion. Your community needs His light – aim to be the vessel, that you already are.

Living out your Christian faith  back home requires intentional commitment. By prioritizing your personal devotion, family relationships, stewardship, gospel witness, integrity, and church involvement, you'll Glorify God in everyday life. You will inspire fellow believers, demonstrate Christianity's relevance and need today. As you prayerfully prepare your heart for all these, also be praying for ministry opportunities. As followers of Jesus, we're called to "live out what we confess". Ponder on the love of God for you and me demonstrated in Christ Jesus and remember, your faith journey doesn't pause when you leave residence ,it evolves. Embrace this new season with courage, humility, and hope relying on God’s empowering grace and sovereignty. Radiate God's love and watch Him transform your community.


Intro: How To Christian Your Way Through The Festive Season


Hear from a TBT Alumni: Life After University