Isaiah 26:20 & lockdown?

On the 23 March, President Cyril Ramaphosa announced a nationwide lockdown effective from 26 March 2020. As a result, some people have turned to Isaiah 26: 20 which echoes a similar call.

But the question is: to what end? Are they trying to say that what Isaiah spoke centuries ago to a specific people apply to us today?

Are they trying to say Isaiah called for a lockdown like ours?

If so, they are wrong.

For Isaiah spoke about Peace and wrath, and used 2 metaphors to illustrate this.

For peace, he starts off saying the door is opened, 26:2 and ends with, "shut the door, for God is coming to punish iniquity", 26: 20-21.

Peace will come upon the faithful and wrath upon the unfaithful.

Fast forward to the New Testament. God invaded our world and brought about Peace through his Son and poured out his wrath on him as he hung on the cross and so whoever believes in Jesus will have peace with God and avoid his wrath. John 3:16

But a day is coming when he will come again and create a new heaven and earth. So the question is: are you at peace with God? Or will you face his wrath?

Please DO NOT look at Isaiah 26:20 in light of a lockdown. Rather it should be seen as coming safety for the faithful in Jesus and wrath for the unfaithful, those without Jesus.


Campus Director, Westville


Psalm 11 & refuge in the Lord