Let your considerate spirit be known to all men.
The world in which we find ourselves in 2024 is increasingly more polarized than ever before in human history. As humanity we seem to be operating in extremes constantly, everyone has an opinion and cannot help but express their opinion. The way people perceive reality circulates social and we find our culture more informed by ungodly, unthoughtful opinions.
As a result, it is hard to reason with people and even harder to understand them. We all know of the Friends who exaggerate every current event that comes up on social media. The one who keeps posting about race politics and how we can transform South Africa. If we just vote for fill in the blank. The many end times prophets who view life and the world like it is going to end any moment, opinions solidify into doctrines. And hearts turn hard and cold as people seek to convince each other of their new-found, religious, political, or social beliefs.
Unfortunately, as believers We too can be tempered, give unfiltered responses, and quick-fix views on how to navigate life in Gods world. But such responses from the people of God do not equate with what is reasonable. The challenge for us is to think, what is a reasonable response to life with all its difficulties. So, the question becomes what does reasonableness look like?
Philippines 4 is the clearest teaching in the bible on this.
“Let your considerate spirit be known to everyone” (Phil. 4:5).
The word “reasonable” carries the connotation of appropriate. It is a stable mindset, a temperament that avoids extremes. A person who expresses himself in a way that is appropriate for the situation.
In other words, Christians ought to be reasonable. Our sense of reason is not based on science or politics, it is based on faith and truth. Thus, Christians are those who respond humbly to all things because of God’s promises, wisdom, and truth.
Often, we respond to this crazy world and its world views as if Jesus’ throne were under threat. In politics do we hold to right-wing, left-wing, or Jesus-like world view? I am afraid Christians today have become racism and identity experts rather than biblical principles. In a world full of extremists, we Christian should be level-headed and gentle spirit.
I. Considerateness builds unity in the Church.
In Scripture, the call to be considerate tends to come as a response to disunity. Paul’s exhortation in Philippians 4 comes after calling two argumentative women to live in harmony (Phil. 4:2-3). Notice in that passage, Paul does not give his side on the matter. The disagreement itself is not the issue. What is the bigger issue is their unity.
The church’s harmony and thereby witness are in danger when we are not of one accord.
The wisdom of heaven is “pure, peace-loving, gentle, submissive, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial, free of hypocrisy” (Js. 3:17).
Nothing is more appropriate for the people of God than their being united therefore let us make every effort to be considerate with one another.
II. Considerateness persuades people to Consider the Gospel.
As we seek to share the gospel that saves sinners, we must remember we are not trying to convert people to any political, medical, or social preference, but instead receive them with kindness while ministering the gospel of Christ. We must be “ready to make a defence to everyone who asks us to give an account for the hope that is in us, but with gentleness and respect” (1 Pet. 3:15).
Above all the Christian’s words should be peaceable, pleasant, gracious, palatable, and winsome. (Prov 16:21, 23; 22:11).
Though the world hate what you have to say, some might come to respect how you say it to them.
Gospel proclamation is not only an act of obedience to the Lord but when we speak for Christ in a considerate way in is an act of worship of Christ in full view of a world plagued by conflict and hate.
III. Considerateness allows us to hold deep Convictions and care for people.
we can often lack grace while holding the right biblical convictions. There is something that we hate when faced with the idea of catering to our listener.
‘‘But to be gentle and temperate is not caving into the world, it is biblical wisdom it is how that you may know how to answer each person” (Col 4:5-6). He is not saying leave the truth aside or dilute it in any way, but it meets the listener wherever they might be coming from. Then we can point truth in a loving way. Our Lord Jesus is the model example of this.
He gripped the hearts of the religious (John 3:1-21), the wealthy (Luke 19:1-10), the poor (Matthew 11:1-5), the societally accepted (Matthew 19:16-26), and those socially rejected (Lk. 5:32; 7:34; 15:1-2). All who have believed in His Name have been drawn by the validity of His truth and the beauty of His humility. Jesus proclaimed the purest message from heaven and ultimately gave His life as a ransom on a cross for many.
As this world goes mad, we have opportunities to express conviction and considerateness. In God’s economy, being considerate is not only about holding the right position on an issue but maintaining a Godly disposition through the issue.
In this world we will surely be frustrated, as the culture will try to confuse us, the questions is how will we respond? May it be a response of truth with a considerate heart