Sin is crouching

I’m reading Genesis (again) and was struck by a line in Genesis 4.

Cain is angry with his younger brother Abel because Abel’s sacrifice was accepted by God but his (Cain’s) wasn’t.

And so, to a furious and despondent Cain, God says:

‘… if you do not do what is right,

sin is crouching at your door.

Its desire is for you,

but you must rule over it.’ (Gen 4:7)

Read that one more time.

Here’s a portion of my reflection:

One of the entry points for sin taking hold of us is when we don’t do (or are not doing) what we’re meant to be doing. Think how often idleness or laziness is the gateway for us to be loose in our words (gossip, slander etc) or actions (porn, theft etc) or thoughts (malicious etc). It’s kind of like David with Bathsheba – he was meant to be with his men fighting the war, but instead roaming around with nothing to do… he was tempted and gave in.

For those of us trusting in Jesus, God has recreated us in him by the Spirit to new life and a new way of living. And one of the ways to fight against the sin we still struggle with is for us to positively keep stepping out and doing what we are meant to be doing – godly living, loving and serving the people around us - in other words understanding Ephesians 2:10.

In his kindness, God can use this to help us ‘rule’ over sin, instead of it ruling over us.

What does repentance and faith look like for you in this?

I've needed to ask myself the same question.

Grace and peace


Campus Director, Howard College


Happy is the forgiven one - Psalm 32


Revelation 21:1-4