Forgiveness of sins - humanity’s greatest need(Luke 5:17-26)

What would you say your greatest need is? 

If you picture this poor man lying helplessly in front of Jesus, you might think that this man needs physical healing so he can get his normal life back. But first Jesus said, “Man, your sins are forgiven.” Jesus has been healing so many people before… so He was able to. The main need of this man was not physical healing but spiritual healing. All the things that we think we need the most are not really the main need. If the bible's message about death and eternal judgment is correct, the forgiveness of sins is the main need of every person! We do not primarily need our emotional problems resolved, financial and physical help. We need to know with assurance from God that our sins are forgiven. All other needs are secondary. As Jesus taught on another occasion, “What profit is it to gain the whole world and lose your soul” (Matt 16:26). There is something much more important than having a healthy body and plenty of money: Having God forgive your sins. 

I deeply sympathise with those in need of physical, emotional, and economic help. I myself battle with emotional and psychological problems and I know how it feels to want it to just end. Sometimes a severe problem—a health problem, an emotional problem, a family problem, a financial problem—can be the best thing for us. Have look at the paralyzed man - his paralysis pointed him to a deep need for healing, for freedom. Upon his healing, he is deeply grateful for he knew the state he was in prior. But most importantly, if he had never been paralyzed, he would have never heard the words, “your sins are forgiven” from Jesus. Our problems should drive us to seek God. When we do that, it becomes clear that our main problem is our separation from Him due to our sins. 

You might be asking yourself now, why forgiveness is so necessary. It is necessary because God is just and because all humans are guilty of sin. Rather than simply ignoring the guilt of sin, God the judge became the one who gave up his Son to be judged for the guilt of men. The righteous (Jesus)  took on the punishment for the guilty and the guilty received forgiveness. God did not unfairly or abusively punish his son, but Christ submitted to His Father’s will joyfully and willingly. This is the forgiveness we need because without it we are separated from God, forever! 


Ukuxolelwa kwezono – Isidingo esikhulu soluntu (NgokukaLuka 5:17-26)


The Servant Master - Part Two: The Lord is Servant