Part 2: How To Christian Your Way Through The Festive Season

The Apostle Peter, in his 2nd letter highlights virtues that are important for the Christian as they walk in this world as sorjourners in the world. Virtues reflect the character of Christ and in turn reveal to those around us who we are living for. This festive season with the help of the Holy Spirit exhibit endurance, godliness and love.

Here are some practical examples of how we can exhibit these virtues this festive season:


Perseverance/long suffering or Patience - markers of the Christian Walk, a fruit of God’s Spirit. A virtuous attribute, but practically difficult to walk in. However, this call is not for the power to emanate from self, but from our Master. Need I remind you that, this way of living will be rejected by many, we might lose friends and be hated by even our friends and family. We should press on and persist in our walk resisting the devil & temptations and work out our salvation with fear and trembling. A major way to demonstrate our Christian-ness will often mean that we say no to many of the distractions that accompany the festive season. We won’t be blown away by winds of temporary pleasures if we hold fast to our confession. If Jesus is our Lord, we should bow down to Him, certainly not the worldly standards, Jesus is not just the reason for the season (though He is), He is our Life, our Lord and our Love, it this doesn’t reflect in our living it is simply a meme. Tough times are a part of a Christians life, and He who has began a good work is faithful to complete it. Endure loved ones, the completeness of our joy and being - is in God.




 Perhaps the best way to understand this term lies in the root word itself, God (Our Triune Godhead-The Holy Trinity). Godliness is thus a conformity or a reflection of this reality. Be holy as God is Holy. Our God is set apart, and thus calls a people to set-apartness, in identity and character, not isolation or mere segregation. We need to be mindful of this, God wants us to represent Him. Perhaps this would be practically stimulated by our Prayerfulness – Jesus prayed, how much more His followers? Pray during this festive season loved ones, pray for the believers, pray for the lost, pray for the nations, pray for leadership, and pray for yourselves and do this unceasing. Let prayer tire you and draw your strength again from prayer! We need to prayerfully surrender to the Spirit’s leading,  and prayerfully soak in the word. We. Remember everyone needs God, so share the gospel with your dear loved ones. As everyone looks forward to Christmas, shed the light of Christ . Let the new year be preceded by the newness of Life found in Christ. We are to watch the dangers of worldliness; this is enmity to God. Friends, if we love this God, we should want to be like Him. Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, that you may prove that which is good and the perfect will of God. You want to know God’s will for your life? It is to be like Him.


Brotherly affection

 Brotherly-kindness/brotherly-love/brethren-affection. Believers, love God and love people. This not natural, it’s a supernatural love that comes from a new heart that God gives. The world says, “love yours”, God says Love Him and love His, and yes in that order.  Friends we will still be part of the body even when distance will challenge this reality. Don’t forget your brothers and sisters, greet them, check up on them, pray for them – whether they do this to you or not. God wants us to do this anyway, so we find all ways to do it. Care for and serve the body of believers even back home, those in and out of your radar. Don’t do Christianity alone do it with others, so during the festive season don’t forget your brothers and sisters – God doesn’t.



 God is Love. God demonstrates His love towards us, in that whilst we yet sinners Christ died for us. There is no greater Love than this, that a man lays down His life. If we are to be followers of Christ, He calls us to take up our cross and follow Him, for us to die to self, to crucify our flesh daily – there is no break. We love people by praying for them, sharing the gospel to them (non-believers and believers), and seeing to their physical needs. Love is not abstract but practical, very practical, and as real as death. Of course we die to self, perhaps a helpful acronym is JOY (Jesus first, Others second, yourself last) and what a joy it is to be a servant. We love our family by being helpful during this time, we love our friends by living and sharing the truth, we love our community by shining the light of Christ. Love God - Love His.


Finally, saints we are to be diligent (make every effort) to supplement or add to our faith God’s way. We hope that this advice will help us Christian our way through the festive season and through our lives in general, because if we do not uphold these truths, we are deemed blind and to have forgotten the grace of God and the forgiveness we find in Him, but, if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being useless or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Enjoy the Holidays!


Zijwayeze ukumfuza uNkulunkulu


Part 1: How To Christian Your Way Through The Festive Season