Ukukhanya okukhulu/The great light

uJesu, ukukhanya okukhulu                      (Jesus, the great light)

Kwasa                                                (It dawned)

Oh Afrika, mayize!                                      (Oh Africa, let it come)


Yizani-ke zoni.                                              (Come, sinners.)

Yena uthi:                                                     (He says:)

Phedukani                                                     (Repent)

Ngokuba umbuso wezulu ususondele   (Because the kingdom of heaven has come near)

Wozani ngilandeleni                                   (Come follow me)


Oh Afrika, mayize!                                      (Oh Africa, let it come)

Kwasa.                                                           (It dawned)

Bukani Ilanga, Indodana                           (See the Sun, the Son)

Bukani impilo kuye kuphela                      (See the life in him alone)



Hamba Vangeli.                                           (Onward with the good news)

Hamba.                                                          (Onwards)

NgoJesu, ukukhanya okukhulu                (About Jesus, the great light)



Reflections on Matthew 4:12-25


The Lord our God


Baba wethu osezulwini